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Hi, One School! 

You want creativity, you got it! Just press play. 

Before Covid, I was an actor, freelance writer, and server in the food and hospitality industry.

After getting laid off, I have been searching for ways to pour my creativity into something more concrete. My dream is to start my own copywriting business in the advertising space. Right now, it is more important than ever to get diverse voices into spaces that lack them. I keep thinking about moments like when H&M featured a little black boy in a "monkey in the jungle" sweatshirt. What did that creative team look like? There were two other sweatshirts on that product page. If there were people of color on the team, who made the final image selections? 

Where'd You Go?:  I've been a singer all my life and used to write songs in high school and college.

When I heard about Ahmaud Arbery, it really hit me hard. 

As an actor and especially when I do musical theater, I travel to different suburban communities and am frequently the only person of color. When I go for a walk or run in these communities, I always wonder how the people I pass feel about my presence. What happened to Ahmaud was my worst nightmare. 

With tons of time and lots of emotion, I decided to write a song.  

Other Projects


100 Days of Art:  A couple of years ago, I missed making art with my hands. It was a big part of my life until I left school and I felt like it would be fun to make art again as a hobby. I decided that I would make art for 100 days. It was scary at first because I didn't know if I would measure up to how I was in college, but it turned out that all I needed was some consistent practice to get back in action. Some of my favorite mediums are drawing, watercolor, oil, acrylic, photography, and sculpture. What you are looking at starts as ink drawings of portraits that I found or photographed myself. I then bled the ink using a tiny brush and my watercolor technique to create a mixed media painting. I like to think of the work as marrying the layering of oil and process sculpture with the fluidity of water. These are my favorite selections. 

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Performer By Design:  Due to Covid-19, the audition process has dramatically changed.  Auditioning online is now the standard and the entire industry is catching up.  Seeing this a great opportunity to apply my copywriting and creative direction skills as well as the branding and graphic design skills of my business partner, we decided to start a service that brings branding to performers because all performers are entrepreneurs. We're committed to empowering performers to own their online brand and share their unique potential with prospective agents, managers, and casting.  We are still in the testing phase, so we haven't launched our website, but our Instagram will give you a taste of my copywriting in action.

Whispering Huntys Podcast:  I love podcasts. They have been my guilty pleasure for years now. To add some fun to my Covid-19 nightmare, I started a podcast about RuPaul's Drage Race. This is actually my second podcasting venture and it is already doing so much better than my first. We are actually in the process of joining a podcast network. So yay! Here's the description I created: Mijon Zulu and Nick Probst are funny. They're gay. They're friends. Sadly, Mijon is obsessed with Drag Race and Nick has never watched. We know. Shocking. Join them as they deep dive into Drag Race, interview other Whispering Huntys, and celebrate one of the best TV shows of the modern era.

Chowhound:  While working in the food and hospitality industry, I realized that I was getting extensive food and beverage training. My love of food and writing came together when I joined Chowhound's freelance team. Chowhound is an online resource for food enthusiasts and includes expert editorial and an active community forum of knowledgeable contributors.

Used York City:  I was one of the founding freelancers at Used York City. The best of New York…as used by New Yorkers. More than a blog, Used York City is a mantra, encouraging you to get out there and use your city, be it New York or elsewhere.

One School App Part 3:

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© 2017 by Mijon Zulu

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